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Canterbury & Kent

Canterbury has to be the quietest city we have ever visited.  The lovely little cobbled streets and even the ultra-modern shopping precinct was charming place to be.

A visit to an amazing hairdresser was the first visit to a salon I have had in years.  Quite the experience in modern techniques and a true pamper session for me.

The villages in the area were beautiful and the coastline being so near to the site we stayed on and to Canterbury is a real bonus.

We visited lots of beaches and had lovely sunny weather too.

A visit to Canterbury Cathederal was planned in advance and the architecture is amazing with the most beautiful stained glass windows.

A trip to Dover to the white cliffs tested my memory, as we drove along a stretch of bypass where I suddenly remembered that there was a tunnel under the cliffs where the car park the other end gives spectacular views of the cliffs and the sea with boats and cruise liners in the channel and France in the distance.

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